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Ombudsman Scheme for Digital Transactions


This Scheme (Ombudsman Scheme for Digital Transactions) is introduced with the object to facilitate the satisfaction or settlement of complaints regarding digital transactions undertaken by customers of System Participants.

The Scheme provides for filing of complaint falling under the following categories, detailed explanation of which has been mentioned in the Scheme Guidelines;

  1. Prepaid Payment Instruments
  2. Mobile / Electronic Fund Transfers
  3. Payment transactions through Unified Payments Interface (UPI)/ Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)
  4. Non-reversal / failure to reverse within reasonable time, funds wrongly to the beneficiary account due to lapse at the end of System Participant.
  5. Any other matter relating to the violation of the directives including on fees / charges, if any, issued by the Reserve Bank in relation to digital transactions.

The complaint shall be filed to the respective Ombudsman Office under whose area of operation the branch/region falls.

For detailed direction on the scheme please click here